Good morning!! (It’s 08:52 as I write this to be precise, and I have a decaf tea). So I thought I’d start my day by writing about this G O R G E O U S day!!
At this point I have to insert my cliched comment about how beaut Dani and Chris were/are, but seriously they really really are!! That’s one of the things I hate about blogs like this, because there’s a danger that it all becomes so rinse repeat, and I’d hate anyone to ever think that! Because they really are lovely. Like seriously, actually, lovely, cool, fun human people!! And I feel so damn happy they chose me to be there to document their wedding!
So, you get the gist. I like Dani and Chris.
Anyway, the day was beautiful, the venue (Bury Court Barn) was beautiful, the weather was beautiful, the guests were mostly beautiful… I kid, they were all beautiful!!
Enough waffle, Dani and Chris, this one’s for you!