What exactly if left to say about 2020 that hasn’t been said? Not much!
So, let’s just focus on this day. For it was a superb one! Seriously, just from a personal perspective (and I imagine I speak for 99.9% of wedding photographers), how awesome it was to just be shooting a wedding! The night before was a bit weird tbh. I was excited and nervous, because there was this strange realisation that this was one of barely a handful of weddings taking place this July. And this wasn’t something I’d even considered until the night before: that these weddings are in future going to go down as something unique. Taking place during this “unprecedented” time (I’m trying to avoid the c word here!)
And so it was that Becca and Will stood firm, and this July did actually get married, in front of a select gathering of mostly family, on a very hot and quite frankly gorgeous day at the Oak Barn near Tenterden.
Such a privilege to be there, and so cool that I get to write my first 12 from in 4 months!!
Becca and Will, this 12 is for you, and roll on November for the party, I’m sure it’s gonna be epic!